Diferencia entre revisiones de «Msjqgrid»

De KumbiaPHP Framework Wiki
(Página creada con '== JQUERY DATAGRID.== = Helper = <?php /** * Helpers * PHP version 5 * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the GNU/GPL that is bundled * with this package in the f...')
(Sin diferencias)

Revisión del 15:41 5 sep 2011



<?php /**

* Helpers
* PHP version 5
* This source file is subject to the GNU/GPL that is bundled
* with this package in the file docs/LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to emiliano@markisich.com.ar so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @author Markisich Emiliano <emiliano@markisich.com.ar>
* (este es mi primer aporte al SoftWare Libre)
* Libreria Mostrar datos en una grilla
* es una adaptacion de jqGrid a kumbia.  
* Version 0.1

class msjqGrid{

   public $contador	=	array();
    * titulo del datagrid
   * @var string
  public $title_caption		=	;
   * Si desea que poder obtener un order by por campo
   * para esto debe recibir el field y el order
   * default = false
   * @var bool
  public $formatOption		=	array();
   * Si desea que poder obtener un order by por campo
   * para esto debe recibir el field y el order
   * default = false
   * @var bool
  public $key		=	array();
   * Si desea que poder obtener un order by por campo
   * para esto debe recibir el field y el order
   * default = false
   * @var bool
  public $order_fields	=	false;
   * Array de datos q se obtienen de un find
   * @var array
  public $data_source	=	array();
   * url: url para la accion que efectua la paginacion,
   * por defecto "module/controller/page/" y se envia por parametro el numero de pagina. 
   * por defecto busca en el mismo controller y action
   * @var string
  public $url		=	;

   public $get_fields_and_headers	=	array();
    * Modelo actual
    * @var string
   public $model		=	;
    * campos que se van a mostrar de la base de datos
    * @var array
   public $fields		=	array();

* titulos o cabezeras que se mostra en la table

    * @var array
   public $headers		=	array();
    *Cambia el titulo a mostrar según la key del array $data.
   public function setFormatoption($field, $formato){
        $this->formatOption = array($field => $formato);
   public function getformatOption($field){
        return  @$this->formatOption[$field];
   public function setkey($field, $formato){
        $this->key = array($field => $formato);
   public function getkey($field){
        return  @$this->key[$field];

   public function __construct($datos) {

$this->data_source = $datos; $this->url = Router::get('controller') . '/'; /*. Router::get('action');*/ //$this->headers = "kjgh"; // if($this->existData()){ // $this // }

   public function xml(){
        $code = '<Listado>';
        $code .= '<Request>';
        $code .= '<IsValid>True</IsValid>';
      	 $code .= '<ItemSearchRequest>';

$code .= '<SearchIndex>'."Titulo" .'</SearchIndex>'; $code .= '</ItemSearchRequest>';

        $code .= '</Request>';
        $code .= '<Items>';
        foreach ($this->data_source as $item): 
           $code .= '<Item>';

$code .= '<DetailPageURL></DetailPageURL>'; $code .= '<ItemAttributes>';

                   foreach ($this->fields as $campo):
                          $var = $item->$campo;

$code .="<$campo> $var </$campo>"; endforeach; $code .= '</ItemAttributes>';

           $code .= '</Item>';
      $code .= '</Items>';
      $code .= '</Listado>';
      return $code;

} ?>


<?php echo Tag::css('jqGrid-4.1.1/css/ui.jqgrid'); ?>
<?php  echo Tag::css('jqGrid-4.1.1/css/ui.multiselect'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/plugins/jquery.layout'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-es'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/plugins/jquery.tablednd'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/plugins/jquery.contextmenu'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/plugins/ui.multiselect'); ?>
<?php echo Tag::js('jqGrid/plugins/xmlmap'); ?>


     $model = ; 
     $names =;
     foreach ($dataGrid->fields as $campo):
          $names .= '"'.$campo.'",' ;

$formato = $dataGrid->getformatOption($campo);

          $key = $dataGrid->getkey($campo);
          $model .= '{name:"'.$campo.'",index:"'.$campo.'", width:120, xmlmap:"ItemAttributes>'.$campo.'", sorttype:"integer", sorttype:"int"'.$key . $formato.'},';
     endforeach; ?>

<?php $datos ="'".'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' ; $datos .= $dataGrid->xml() ."'"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var datos = <?php echo "$datos"; ?>


   var lastsel;
     //url: "listado", 
     datatype: "xmlstring", 
     colNames:[<?php  echo substr($names, 0,-1);?>], 
     colModel:[<?php  echo substr($model, 0,-1);?>],
     height:250, with: 450,
     loadonce: true, 
     xmlReader: { root : "Items", row: "Item", repeatitems: false, id: "ASIN" }, 
     pager:jQuery('#pagered'), //'#pagered', 
     sortname: 'id', 
     viewrecords: true, 
     sortorder: "desc", 
     caption: "Listado",
     forceFit : true, 
     cellEdit: false, 
     cellsubmit: 'clientArray', 
     multiselect: true,

onSelectRow: function(rowid){

              lastsel = $('#list').getCell(rowid, 'id');

}, ondblClickRow: function(rowid){

              lastsel = $('#list').getCell(rowid, 'id');

}, footerrow : true, userDataOnFooter : true, altRows : true,

     //     grouping:true, 
     //     groupingView : { 
     //     groupField : ['debe'],
     //     groupDataSorted : true           
     // }, 
      // caption: "Grouping",
       groupSummary: true,
      // groupDataSorted: true

jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid','#pagered', {edit:false,add:false,del:false}, {}, {}, {}, {multipleSearch:true, multipleGroup:false, showQuery: false} );


  onClickButton: function(){ 
        location.href='/<?php echo $dataGrid->url ?>create/';

}); jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navButtonAdd',"#pagered",{

  onClickButton: function(){ 

// var gsr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); // if(gsr){ // jQuery("#list").jqGrid('GridToForm',gsr,"#order"); // } else { // alert("Seleccione un registro") // }

               location.href="/<?php echo $dataGrid->url ?>edit/"+lastsel;
               alert("Seleccione un registro")

}); jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navButtonAdd',"#pagered",{

  onClickButton: function(){ 

/* var gsr = jQuery("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); if(gsr){ jQuery("#list").jqGrid('GridToForm',gsr,"#order"); } else { alert("Seleccione un registro") }*/

                location.href="/<?php echo $dataGrid->url ?>del/"+lastsel;
               alert("Seleccione un registro")



function mysum(val, name, record) { return parseFloat(val||0) + parseFloat((record[name]||0)); }

function currencyFmatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {

  return "$"+cellvalue;


   // $("#list").jqGrid('bindKeys', {"onEnter":function( rowid ) { alert("You enter a row with id:"+rowid)} } );

function formatOperations(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {

     return "<a href='/<?php echo $dataGrid->url ?>edit/" + cellvalue + "' id='ui-icon-trash'>Edit</a>  "+
 	       "<a <a href='/<?php echo $dataGrid->headers ?>del/" + cellvalue + "'>Edit</a>";



<?php View::content()?> <?php $dataGrid = new msjqgrid($listArticulos); ?> <?php $dataGrid->fields = array('id' => 'id','codigo' => 'codigo', 'denominacion' => 'denominacion', 'stock' => 'stock', 'precio' => 'precio');?> <?php //$dataGrid->headers = array('id' => 'ID','codigo' => 'CODIGO', 'denominacion' => 'DESCRIPCION', 'stock' => 'STOCK', 'precio' => 'PRECIO');?> <?php //$dataGrid->typefields = array('id' => 'integer','codigo' => 'string', 'denominacion' => 'string', 'stock' => 'STOCK', 'precio' => 'PRECIO');?> <?php $dataGrid->setFormatOption('precio',',formatter:"currency",formatoptions:{decimalSeparator:",", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "$ "}');?> <?php $dataGrid->setkey('id',',key:true');?> <?php echo View::partial('msjqgrid/msjqgrid' ,false,array('dataGrid'=>$dataGrid)); ?>